Authorized License-use and activation counts
1) The software-user license that you purchased for an AirSim3D product is a count-limited Key-activation user license that AirSim3D authorizes you to use under the following conditions only:
It is for…
A) use on only 1 personal computer at any time
B) non-commercial entertainment use only
C) installment only in the XPLANE simulator version that it is provided for.
Please also be sure to read this page for other important License-use and Activation count information.
Please refer to our PRODUCT CATALOG page for more information on the various product version offers.
That said and therefore, please, DO NOT TRY to copy and paste any AirSim3D Product from one X-Plane sim version to another.
The product will not work, and worse, this action you take to try to do this WILL use an activation count FOR EACH TIME YOU TRY THIS, from your end-user license.
License activation counts are limited for security reasons, and we can not say “how many” you have for the same reasons too.
BUT BE ASSURED HOWEVER: AirSim3D will add to your Key activation counts (in the background) for all verified customers as needed, at no cost to you, to keep the activation counts available to you to remain in sync with legitimate version updates we release. This enables customers to have the necessary number of key activations available to them to keep up with installing update-releases, so customers do not miss any aircraft activations needed for each update released. But for this to work, you must first have a valid Key (not an exhausted one).
2) Please note that any fruitless “re-try’s” that try to get around activation errors, uses 1 key activation count EACH TIME a ‘re-try” is performed. AND such key-use counts are NOT refundable. Please also be sure to read this page for other important License-use and Activation count information.
3) Once the license Key limit has been exhausted for unauthorized “re-try” attempts your Key will be of no use, and you will need to purchase another user license if you need/wish to reactivate the product for any reason.
4) If you have tried to perform an authorized activation (like upgrading from 1 version to the latest release in the same sim version) once, or twice maximum, and get the same unsuccessful SASL activation result, PLEASE STOP RE-TRYING and immediately contact us on our Aircraft Support page on to try to figure out what is going wrong for you.
4a) NEVER post your entire KEY information in a public space. You will be responsible for its mis-use by bad actors who might deplete your license key count, and that is not refundable.
5) Going over your license key limit does not terminate your last valid activation. There are no license “refills” provided.
Further, if you find the aircraft doe not work for some reason AFTER you HAVE SUCESSFULLY ACTIVATED THE PRODUCT (in other words, you see the green SASL “Success” notification after you have input the Key provided to you from the .org store) PLEASE DO NOT try to “reactivate” the product, thinking that the “activation is the problem.” STOP. Please contact us immediately on our Aircraft Support pageto try to figure out what is going wrong, and we will help you get the aircraft working, but DO NOT, repeat, PLEASE DO NOT assume its an activation problem and therefore keep trying to “reactivate it”…. you are using key activation counts that are NOT REFUNDABLE!!! Please be sure to read this page for other important License-use and Activation count information. In this case, it will help to start by first reading this page about thinking the aircraft does not work based on assumptions of how it “should” work based on any prior experience you may have flying other products. Each aircraft is different.
6) If you find the SASL key is UNSUCCESSFUL at activating the product (you see red SASL activation messages) then STOP trying again and again to “re-activate” it. Instead, please contact the .org store directly at and let them know that the key they provided you is not activating the product for them to investigate, and include this in your email to them:
* Our Product aircraft name
* The email address you used at the store (please do not use a different one, this makes it difficult to locate your account)
* The name for the account used to order the aircraft
* The Order number
Please visit our Product page for a list and costs of the various Products available, with links to storefronts to purchase.
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