This information is provided to help make a decision about which C-560XL Product best suits your needs to fly it in the X-Plane flight Simulator.

If you purchased the C-560XL for XP11 PRIOR/BEFORE March 15 2023, then your product name is: AirSim3D: C-560XL_OG
Please visit your Account on the site to download your free XP12 version, AND/OR also for any future XP11/12 aircraft version updates.
You will get NO product Key with the download.
You must use your EXISTING product key that you used to install the XP11 version, to install the new XP12 version (and/or any XP11 or XP12 version updates in the future)

If you you are reading this after March 15 2023, then please decide:
a) Do you want the aircraft that flies in XP11 ONLY? — Purchase the STAND-ALONE XP11, Product name:AirSim3D: C-560XL_EL here.
b) Or the aircraft that flies in XP12 ONLY? — Purchase the STAND-ALONE XP12, Product name:AirSim3D: C-560XL_TW here.
c) Or do you want BOTH XP11 and XP12 aircraft? — Purchase the BUNDLED XP11 AND XP12, Product name:AirSim3D: C-560XL_BN) here.

Product Prices:
AirSim3D: C-560XL_EL = $49.95 — this is a discounted price now that the XP12 version has been released. It is, and will continue to be fully supported, including any version updates if needed. But please be advised, this product is in a “maintain-as-needed” state, and there are no additional features planned. Purchase here.
AirSim3D: C-560XL_TW = $59.95 — this is the standalone version of the XP12 aircraft version. Purchase here.
AirSim3D: C-560XL_BN = $79.95 — this is the bundled version that delivers both XP11 and XP12 versions of the aircraft. Purchase here.

1) There is no “discounted upgrade” path for either of the XP11 or XP12 stand-alone products (EL or TW).
EXAMPLE: If you choose the EL-XP11 stand-alone product, then wish to purchase the XP12 version later, there is no discount on the TW-XP12 Stand-alone version because you purchased EL-XP11 stand-alone in the past. The same is true if going from the TW-XP12 stand alone to EL-XP11 standalone product.
2) The basic jet is the same in any product for the same Sim Version.Said differently, the jet for XP11 in the OG, EL or BN products is all the same version of the aircraft.
3a) When you visit the store, you will notice a specific “version number” added to the product base-name, like AirSim3D: C-560XL_EL_ver1.6 etc. That will inform you what version of the product you are getting (or need to update to). But once purchased, all version updates for that product are then free. These version numbers might be different between the XP11 and XP12 aircraft.
3b) Beyond being similar to upwards of 95%, there are some differences between the XP11 and XP12 aircraft. The XP11 jet in the OG or EL product version, is slightly different from the jet in the XP12 TW product version. BUT THIS IS ONLY because the features and functions added in the XP12 version are only available in XP12, and not available in XP11. These Sim-version aircraft differences are called out if you refer to the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) here, and you will see XP12 differences highlighted like this XP12.

Finally, you CAN NOT copy and paste the aircraft from one sim version to another.
The aircraft will not work. So please do not try it.
Also, trying this WILL COST YOU one of your product key activation counts, and those wasted activations are NOT REFUNDABLE. So again, please, please do not try this!
Read more information about License-use and activation counts here.

Contact Us (both sim versions in one convenient place)
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